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Summer Lovin’ | Self Lovin’

Writer's picture: Bonnie WiltBonnie Wilt

Hello m’loves, and happy May 24th, 2019!

Not only is today a #FriYAY, but it’s Memorial Day weekend and that means it’s time for a long weekend full of sunshine, good food and family and friends. I am spending this year in Toronto – hoping for a #Drizzy sighting...Summer is officially starting to show her beautiful self and I am 100p here for it – the vitamin D, lounging (#darties) at the pool, fun trips, yoga on rooftops, workouts in the park, and an overall aura of joy settling over as we come out of the cold winter and stormy spring seasons.

As we all know, summer literally FLIES by every single year, no matter how hard we try to slow her down. And it’s so easy to get caught up in the hype that comes along with the summer SZN. Trying to get “summer bod ready” and plan vacations and attend parties and visit family you haven’t seen in forever and ultimately try our darndest to look like we’re living “our best lives”. But at the same time we have to make sure we’re taking care of ourselves and keeping up at work and maintaining all relationships and finally starting that side hustle we’ve been talking about for so long now and focusing our energies on what serves us and wait, what about that summer bod?! I COULD GO ON. And at the end of these long, stress-filled days we’re left feeling like an old, shattered-screen iPhone 4 on 8% – ready to crash at any moment. Y’all – let us take a moment to take a deep breath. INHALE...EXHALE...

Did you do it? How did it feel? Breathing in grace, self-love and internal peace and breathing out the societal stressors I just listed above and then some. Doesn’t it feel AMAZING to just release and let that go??

So how do we make sure we don’t just cope with these feelings and play into the chase of having the “perfect summer”? How do we take actions to be mindful, intentional and enjoy this #BLESSED time of year? It all boils down to this:

1. Taking time to re-charge YOU

2. Give yourself grace

Back in March, I hosted a challenge through Instagram asking people to join me for #MindfulnessMarch (YAS ALLITERATIONS) with the idea that we would all share and/or learn different ways to practice mindfulness in our lives throughout the month of March. I had 17 beautiful souls on the journey with me and it was AMAZING to not only share my mindfulness techniques, but to learn more tips from others and actually be held accountable for taking time out of my day for myself to recharge my internal battery. I learned so much about how I recharge from this experience. For me it’s all about re-centering, grounding, intentional time for a Bonz. What is it for you?

I want us all to take a moment to think about the importance of recharging and taking time for yourself, AND to understand that how you recharge is going to be different from me, and from anyone else out there in the wilderness. No one can tell you how to charge your internal battery, and so far it’s been a wild journey figuring it out for myself. I have done lots of research on different meditation techniques, read some great books, caught up with SO many friends, hit the gym hard, had some good cry sessions, have broken down walls that have been building up for years…and it’s all just the beginning.

The best part is that I am still continuously figuring it out. I am the biggest WIP (work in progress) out there, and this is where giving myself grace comes into play. I realize that I don’t have to be 100% “on” every single day, and I actively seek to share that message with all of you. We all are a sweet WIP, and that is something to celebrate – not hide or be ashamed of. When you’re working on you, SHARE that journey. Connect with other people doing the same thing. Share, reflect, encourage and inspire! I would love to learn more about ways that you relax and recharge. I will be sharing any tips and tricks with this community, so reach out and share your experience with me and I will give you a shout out!

As these summer months roll in, never forget to take time for yourself to learn more about the amazing, beautiful human that you are, and always - ALWAYS - give yourself grace.


<3 Bonz

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